On the day

The Venue

Rainford High Technology College kindly host the Rainford 10K and have done since the event began. This gives us a central location to base the start and finish of the race around. It is also the home to our fun run route.

We have a prize giving ceremony towards the end of the main 10K race which is well worth sticking around for. Businesses from around Rainford and St Helens kindly donate prizes for the various categories, and our fastest runner will be awarded the George Faulkner Memorial Trophy.

A PDF map of the venue is available here.


Here is a map detailing our parking locations. Please park with consideration for our neighbours by using the facilities provided. Please also note that there will be strictly no movement to and from the carparks at Rainford High itself once the event is underway and until it has finished to protect the runners and marshals.

A PDF parking map is available here.


We recommend you arrive early. Those who have registered online can check in and collect their numbers/chips from 08:30.

Fun Run

The fun run will start from the School’s AstroTurf at 09:45am after a warm up in the central area at around 09:40.

Main Race

Prior to the main race starting, a warm up area will take place on the paved area at the front of school.

Runners will then move down onto Higher Lane where the race will start at 10:30am.

We aim to section off the starting area into timed positions with those expecting faster times towards the front.

Further Information

Please click here to contact us if you have any questions that have not yet been answered.